Home Page
Council Services
Town/City Councils
Cheshire East
- Product: "Report It" infrastructure problem reporting (e.g. road potholes)
- Method: Website
- Date: 12th January 2018
- Status: Title is optional, no Mx given but some that could be seen as neutral.
- Product: Planning Applications - Commenting on Applications
- Method: Website (search for an application open for comment and click "Comment on this application")
- Date: 18th April 2018
- Status: Title is mandatory, "Other" is an option, and selecting it shows a textbox to enter your own. Once you have completed the form, a PDF of your comments is published to the website and includes your name and title. The fun part is that, in my instance, they left the word "Other" as the title, so I got listed as "Other Peter Shillito" and in the subject line of the email sent to Cheshire East, my name became "Other Shillito", so that's my life now. Good jorb Cheshire East!
- Product: Council Tax Account
- Method: Email
- Status: form.cheshireeast.gov.uk allows you to choose "Mx" as a title, yet this doesn't carry over to the council tax account. I had to email them to ask them to change it to Mx, which they then did although didn't respond to my request, they just did it. I believe I asked twice and it was only the second time that stuck. Thus why I've left the date out as I'm not sure when exactly it was.
Cheshire West and Chester
- Product: Infrastructure fault reporting (e.g. road potholes)
- Method: Website
- Date: 12th January 2018
- Status: Title mandatory, some options could be seen as neutral (no Mx).
- This form is susceptible to the DOM Inspector method to add your own title to the dropdown list. For this form, it uses
tags to show the form as well as the typical <select><option>
tags. Make sure you change both before submitting the form.
Oadby and Wigston
- Product: Council Tax Account
- Method: Website
- Date: 24th July 2019
- Status: Mandatory title, gendered except for "Rev", "Prof", "Exors"(?), "Dr" and "Cllr". Also mandatory binary gender required.

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