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Herds of wildebeest sweeping majestically across the plain
Premier inn
- Product: Account or guest purchase
- Status: Mandatory title (no Mx); "Dr", "Prof", "Rev", "Col" are the neutral alternatives.
- Method: Phone, website form
- Response: Multiple requests by both phone have been "we'll consider it" and not much else.
- Latest website check: 14th July 2020
- Latest contact: 16th October 2019 - One year on from last time I contacted them and they claimed to be investigating removing the title field, the title field has not changed at all. Over the past couple of weeks I stayed with two different Premier Inn hotels, in both cases checking in online in advance and setting the title to "Lady" (web inspector fails on check in, sadly). One of the two hotels changed the title to "Mr" without prompting me when I came to collect the key. I only found this out when the receipt arrived an hour or so later. I raised this with them and received an apology, but please be aware of this. I also spent some time chatting with one of the staff members about their work in "GLOW" (Gay and Lesbian Out at Whitbread) network (Whitbread being the group that owns Premier Inn), and how they themselves had raised the lack of "Mx" in their systems.
I spent half an hour on the phone to Premier Inn explaining the issue in detail, recommendations on fixes, reasons GDPR might cause issues, etc. Unfortunately, it's another case of it just being passed on, but now that GDPR is in, I'm hoping they might pay a bit more attention.
- Additional note: It's worth noting that their account system allows for any title to be entered when using the DOM Inspector method. However, attempts to use this on the booking process causes the booking to error and fail, so you're forced to use their default title list for actual bookings.
- Product: Account or guest purchase
- Status: Mandatory title (no Mx); "Dr" is the only neutral alternative
- Method: Phone, live chat
- Response: Multiple requests by both phone have been "we'll consider it" and not much else.
- Latest check: 14th July 2020
- Latest contact: 01st August 2018 - Spoke to an advisor using Live Chat. Comments as follows:
I would like to assure you that we have been contacted about this recently and we are currently looking into it. We obviously want to provide all of our customers with the best possible service.
I'll make sure I will pass this on to relevant teams, because I agree with you, it is a very good idea.
- Product: Account or guest purchase
- Status: Mandatory title (no Mx); "Doctor" and "Professor" are the neutral alternatives.
- Latest check: 14th July 2020
- Method: Support form - submitted 1st August 2018, awaiting response
- Contributed By: Elliot
- Product: Enquiry or a booking
- Status: Mandatory title (Mr/Miss/Ms/Mrs/Dr/Prof/Rev)
- Latest check: 14th July 2020
- Method: Email
- Response: Awaiting response

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