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Video-on-Demand Websites
Don't cross the video streams
- Product: iPlayer and general website registration
- Status: New user
- Result: Gender has an "Other" option which adds a textbox (optional) and a "prefer not to say" option.
- Product: The ITV Hub
- Status: New user
- Result: Title has an "Mx" option, no gender required.
Channel 4
- Product: All4 (previously 4oD) and general website registration
- Status: New user
- Method: Email
- Date: 25th July 2016
- Pre-contact note from Peter: Mx is an option on the contact form, but the account signup form requires a binary gender.
- Response: "We'll look into it".
- Result: Gender now has a "prefer not to say" option.
- Status: Existing user
- Method: Profile page
- Date: 12th January 2018
- Status: They have a Gender field. The field allows you to either not set a gender ("-") as the field is optional, or select "Other". No title field.
- Provided by: Elliot
- Product: UKTV Play
- Status: New user
- Date: 23rd July 2019
- Status: Gender is mandatory on the form, but has an "Other / Prefer not to say" option. Of note is that they make it very clear what they're using it for: profiling for advertising (both first party for programming and third party for retail products and services).

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